At Bizzy, we provide you with as much and qualitative data as possible. The availability of email addresses is one of them.
In addition to company email addresses, which can be found on the company page, we also display the email addresses of contacts (if available).
Finding contact email addresses in Bizzy
To obtain an email address of a contact:
Go to the Company page for which this contact is working.
Go to Contacts.
Search for your contact in the search bar
Click on the envelope under the contact's name.
We will now check if we can find an email address for this person. These are the possible outcomes:
A verified email will be found, which will cost you a credit. More information about credits can be found here.
A probable email will be found, no credit will be charged.
No email address can be found, no credit will be charged.
A verified email address has been confirmed to be accurate and active. A probable email address is one that is likely to be valid based on similarities with verified email addresses.
When clicking on the envelope, we are going to check the availability of an email address at that specific moment to ensure that we are not providing you outdated data
If you see a greyed-out envelope, it means we are already sure that no email address can be found for that contact
If you see a green check mark next to the envelope, it means we were able to find an email address. This green check mark will remain during 30 days.
Exporting contact email addresses in Bizzy
When exporting company data and related contacts, you’ll be able to indicate if you want to export contacts without an email address, for example:

Only with verified email: We will only export contacts for which we have a verified email. In this example, it means we will look for the first 4 contacts (if 4 can be found) with a verified email.
Only with email: We will only export contacts for which we have an email, this can be a verified or probable email. In this example, it means we will look for the first 4 contacts (if 4 can be found) with an email.
All: We will export all contacts regardless of the presence of an email address. In this example, it means we will export the first 4 contacts. (if 4 can be found).
If you indicated that you only want to export companies who have contacts with (verified) emails, and we can’t find contacts with (verified) emails for some of those companies, we won’t export those companies.
If you have added contact filters (for example, based on job title or department), these will be taken into account when exporting contacts. We will export the contacts based on the order you see in the dropdown below the company name.
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